1. | The Prize Winner Certificate of the city’s “Acknowledgment” prize in culture, art and literature . Photo | 2. | A letter of gratitude from the Administration of the city of Vladimir “for a major contribution to icon painting art, aesthetic education of the city population and creating the thousandth icon” Photo | 3. | “For Sacrificial Ministry” Medal and “Peter’s Merit Certificate” from the all-Russia “Orthodox Russia” social movement. Photo | 4. | “For Contribution to Native Culture” silver medal of the Artists of Russia Creative Union. Photo | 5. | “Russian Land” medal of the all-Russia “Orthodox Russia” social movement. | 6. | “For Great Contribution to Carrying Out Motherhood and Childhood Protection Programs” malachite medal. Photo | 7. | The Golden Certificate of “Mama” International Social Charitable Funds Association. Photo | 8. | The Badge of Honor of the All-Russia Veteran Organization. | 9. | “For Creative Activity and Great Contribution to Revival and Preservation of Native Spirituality” merit certificate. Photo | 10. | “For Participation in the ’12 Good Works’ Beneficent Art Project.” Photo |